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North American steel and aluminum demand is expected to grow moderately in the coming years

Date:2023-04-24 16:02:18


  According to foreign news, Headwall Partners, an independent financing and strategic consulting firm focused on metals and mining, stated on Tuesday that executives in the North American steel and aluminum industries expect moderate growth in demand for both products over the next 3 to 5 years, as most of them expect a significant increase in infrastructure spending in the United States over the next 4 years.

  Headwall's annual survey investigated the outlook of business leaders in the North American steel and metal industry on the sources and pace of industry growth, as well as the impact of economic policies and politics on this growth. This year's survey is the fifth conducted by the company, which also includes expectations of the impact on President Biden's administration and the impact of the epidemic.

  This year's outlook survey has drawn some very interesting conclusions from industry executives, including expectations for inflation and higher taxes, recent adjustments in steel and aluminum prices, and the possible removal of 232 import protections, "said Peter Scott, a partner at Headwall Partners in a statement

  Headwall pointed out that according to the survey results, 55% of respondents expect their income to increase by 9% or more in 2021 compared to 2020, which is the highest growth expectation in the survey's history and may be affected by the pandemic.

  Respondents expect no substantial changes or slight increases in imports of steel and aluminum in 2021, with 54% expecting the Biden government to lift the 232 clause tariff on steel and aluminum within next year.

  73% of people said they expect Biden to implement a major infrastructure spending plan in the next four years, while 61% believe that infrastructure spending will be a policy of the Biden government and have a positive impact on their company's growth.

  The survey results show that 64% of respondents believe that the Biden administration's financial and economic policies have a negative impact on the economy, while 58% believe that these policies have a negative impact on their companies.