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China's aluminum industry still needs to make vigorous progress

Date:2022-11-10 16:23:11


  As is well known, aluminum is not only the basic raw material of the national economy, but also the strategic reserve material of the country; At the same time, aluminum plays an indispensable and extremely important role in the current and future world economic development, and will undoubtedly benefit human society even more.

  This is because aluminum is a young, widely used, new light metal, and its industrial production and application will only be 133 years old by 2021; With the industrial production and application of aluminum, it has brought profound changes to the world: the shuttle of airplanes to the sky, the space travel of spacecraft, the vertical and horizontal transmission of high-voltage and ultra-high-voltage transmission circuits, the high-speed and convenient water and land transportation, safe and reliable food packaging, exquisite and comfortable high-rise buildings, various types of machine manufacturing with excellent uses, modern industrial electrical and home appliances, the strength of modern national defense, and so on, It is no exaggeration to say that aluminum is creating one miracle after another while changing the world, playing an extremely important role in the progress of human society.

  However, in this short period of 133 years, the world aluminum industry has also experienced the banking crisis in 1907, the economic crisis in 1929-1933, the Marshall Plan in 1948~1949, the oil crisis in 1973~1975, the 1979 energy crisis since 1979, the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008~2010, and the European sovereign debt crisis since 2010, As well as the impact of the current world's fourth energy crisis and the Russia Ukraine war, the development of the world's aluminum industry has undergone profound changes that can be described as life and death, magnificent and shocking.

  In terms of the overall development and status of China's aluminum industry, whether it is the mining and beneficiation of bauxite, the production of alumina and electrolytic aluminum, as well as aluminum processing, recycled aluminum, supporting fluoride salts, carbon anodes and cathodes, and related machinery manufacturing... The author believes that China's aluminum industry as a whole belongs to the world's largest aluminum industry and is in the world's advanced ranks, which is relatively objective. If it is said to be a world leader, it is still worth discussing, Mainly reflected in:

  One is that there are mainly two types of bauxite in China - sedimentary type and accumulation type. In terms of bauxite mining, the overall technology needs to be improved, the equipment is outdated, and there is a chaotic phenomenon of waste.

  Secondly, there is still a significant gap between the energy consumption of China's alumina production and the world's leading level. According to statistics from the World Aluminum Association, the average unit energy consumption of China's alumina in 2020 was 10349MJ, while the average unit energy consumption of alumina in South America was 8277MJ, with a difference of 2072MJ.

  Thirdly, in terms of electrolytic aluminum, China is not the world's first 600kA pre baked cell series production technology, and the main technical and economic indicators for the long-term production of the 600kA series in China need to be further stabilized and improved, and there is still a gap with the world's leading level. It should be said that the industrial application of China's 600kA level large pre baked cells is at the same advanced level as that of advanced countries in the world at the same time; In 2013, the complete set of aluminum electrolysis technology developed by the French company Pishner was applied to Rio Tinto's aluminum smelter in Canada, marking the first time in the world that a 600kA aluminum electrolysis cell series was constructed. Its main technical and economic indicators of operation were more advanced.

  Fourthly, the level of equipment related to aluminum electrolysis in China needs to be improved, such as the comprehensive performance of multi-functional combined units, aluminum discharge equipment, pole changing operation and transfer bus device, lining materials and furnace construction methods of aluminum electrolysis cells, etc. There are still some shortcomings compared to the world's advanced level.

  Fifth, China's key aluminum processing equipment mainly relies on imports, especially large extrusion equipment and high-performance rolling equipment. For example, China lacks high-performance and ultra large aluminum alloy casting and precise control technology and equipment, large extrusion machines, high-performance rolling mills, and larger tonnage forging machines.

  Sixth, there are still shortcomings in China's high-end aluminum processing products, such as the production technology of ultra-high purity aluminum (with an aluminum content of over 99.9999%), the production technology and products of ultra-high voltage electronic capacitor aluminum foil, high-strength cast alloy bars with a diameter of more than 1m and a length of more than 10m, and aluminum alloy rivets for aircraft wings.

  Seventh, China's recycled aluminum industry has developed rapidly, but there is still a gap between the improvement and scientificity of the waste aluminum recycling system, the sorting technology of complex mixed waste aluminum, the reasonable utilization technology of various types of waste aluminum, and the efficient and low consumption smelting technology compared to the world's advanced level.

  Eighth, from the perspective of the entire industrial chain of bauxite, alumina, electrolytic aluminum, aluminum processing, and recycled aluminum in China's aluminum industry, its key detection devices rely on imports, such as X-ray diffractometers, X-ray fluorescence analyzers, and electron scanning microscopes used throughout the industry.

  The supporting carbon industry and fluoride salt industry in China need to be further improved, especially in terms of equipment and environmental protection.

  Ten is that China's aluminum industry needs to pay attention to and strengthen research in resource utilization and solid waste treatment. For example, there are wasteful and disorderly phenomena in bauxite mining, low utilization rate of red mud, incomplete treatment of aluminum electrolysis cell lining, outdated or even untreated salt slag treatment of recycled aluminum, etc. There is a certain gap compared to the advanced level of developed countries in the world.

  And the urgent need to meet the growing demand of the people for a beautiful ecological environment, promote harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, strengthen in-depth research on the difficulties, pain points, and bottlenecks in the entire industry, organize and mobilize the strength of the whole society, solidly and vigorously advance, truly making China's aluminum industry become a world power as soon as possible, for the progress of all humanity and the prosperity of the country The great rejuvenation of the nation has made contributions worthy of the times!